The Think About It…podcast

059 - Rest In Peace

Johnnie Williams III Season 6 Episode 59

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"When you can find peace where you are, you are assured to find it wherever life takes you."  - Johnnie Williams III 

How can you cultivate peace in your daily life rather than waiting for the afterlife? Join me, Johnnie Williams, as we transform the traditional concept of "Rest in Peace" into a living, breathing practice of inner tranquility. In this episode, we explore the true essence of peace, emphasizing the importance of resting both the mind and body, engaging in introspection, and fostering unity. By redefining peace as "People's Energy Affecting Conscious Environments," we'll uncover how our inner calm can positively influence the world around us.

Discover how you can reclaim your peace amidst the chaos of modern living through mindful habits and the powerful medium of podcasts. Our current societal systems often condition us to react in predictable ways, but it's crucial to regain control over our thoughts and spirits. I'll provide three pivotal questions to inspire personal growth and reflection, encouraging you to share these insights with loved ones. Remember, this episode features soothing solfeggio frequency music that might induce sleep, so avoid listening while driving. Immerse yourself in this calm and reflective journey towards sustainable peace.

Ask Yourself:

1) What are some things that bring peace into your life?

2) What situations quickly disrupt your peace of mind?

3) How do you re-establish peace when chaos arrives?

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to another Thoughts During Experience. My name is Johnny Williams and I'm happy to present Season 6, episode 59. Rest in Peace. What do you think of when you hear me say that Rest in Peace? When have you heard that statement mentioned in your life? Do you rest in peace? Are you resting in peace? Do you even have peace? Do you resting in peace? Do you even have peace? Do you know where to find peace? Have you lost your peace? Can you reclaim your peace? Who stole your peace? Who brings you peace? Who amplifies your peace?

Speaker 1:

When coming up with this theme rest in peace it was deeper than the statement that we've heard. As we lay our loved ones to rest, pastors and bishops and funeral officiants have said, with family members toiled with emotion and grief and pain of loss May your loved one rest in peace. Heads nod and yes, may they rest in peace. Yes, but in my spirit I've looked at those who've laid to rest that I've been close to, that have been near and dear to my heart, and I asked myself is this the point in my life where I wish to rest in peace? When I lay my head down at night, am I not resting in peace? Have I not given it my all today so I'm at peace with myself. Have I not worked hard enough to place myself in a community that I can have my peace, sustain my peace? My peace is not going to be stolen from me, disrupted from me. Have I done enough to rest in peace while living, or am I saving peace for death? That's the question that I want you really to think about. I don't wish death upon anyone for their peace to come, for peace to arrive, for peace to be sustained in their life. What I wish for you and for anyone listening is a beautiful life, a life bestowed to you that's filled with abundance and wonderful experiences that you can enjoy in peace. To have the beautiful home but not feel safe that someone's not going to invade that home when you're not around, or maybe when you are home, that's not peace. Very difficult to rest in that situation. To drive a beautiful car and to wonder at every traffic light if someone's plotting a carjacking, or when you park it that it won't be there when you return, that's not peace, and we all deserve peace. So I propose that we look at how are we going to cultivate peace while living and not sustain.

Speaker 1:

This narrative of resting in peace is reserved for death. When one's spirit has moved on and we speak over the body, the suit that we use to navigate through this life and through this realm, we call life and say that this bag of skin and bone is now in peace. That's just a concept, sounds good to the ear, but here at the Thought tribe and the think about it podcast, we want to go deeper, we want to start thinking much deeper than that. I want peace now. I want to be at a rest in peace. I want to be at a rest assured that I have peace, I can sustain peace, I can find peace.

Speaker 1:

But what is peace? What is peace? What is peace? I know, if I give you all the indication to think of the peace sign, just about everybody has that in their mind right now. But why is it that the line inside the circle splits from itself? One line goes left and the other line goes right and we call that peace. That's separation, that's not togetherness, and oftentimes we're not looking at the symbols and the symbolism of things. We just go with what was given to us, just like rest in peace was given to us at funerals, and we just go with it, not thinking that we deserve peace. So what is peace? What does rest in peace require?

Speaker 1:

I believe peace has three components and requires three things. Number one peace requires that you stop and rest yourself, rest your body and rest your mind, as in mindfulness, as in meditation. Peace is going to be hard to find for that person that's restless. So you got to be able to settle yourself, and if you can't, you won't find peace and everywhere you go you will disrupt others' peace. Number two rest in peace requires that we look inside, rest in, rest inside, rest in peace. You see, peace cannot be found in your outer world if it doesn't exist or reside within you first. It has to reside within, first it has to reside within or otherwise you won't be able to match it, recognize it or vibrate with it in the outer world. It's just that simple. You have to find peace within yourself and you will recognize it and you will draw it to yourself in your outer world. Number three rest in peace. We know we need to rest our body, our mind ourselves. We know we need to look inside, rest in, rest inside. But what actually is peace? It's not the symbol. The symbol doesn't match. Two fingers put in the air, split apart is not peace, that's separation. Peace is when we can come together. We can unify in a calm state, in a loving state. So peace is two fingers together, not separate, not split from itself.

Speaker 1:

I think peace is people's energy affecting conscious environments P-E-A-C-E. People's energy affecting conscious environments. Does that not speak to peace? When we think of peace, we think of others, we think of ourselves. We are people, we are energy, are we not? That's why when pastors and officiants speak over a loved one lost, they're speaking to the flesh and bone that lay in front in a casket, not looking like the loved one that we lost, because the energy is absent. The person, the people are there, but the energy is absent. People's energy is affecting our conscious environments Consciousness, awareness, acknowledgement. We're acknowledging what's peaceful and what's not peaceful. There's a duality in that. There's the right and the left, up and the, the in and out, the above and the below. So people's energy affects conscious environments. We are consciousness and we are aware of the fact that we are energy. We are aware of the fact that we're people and we also are aware that we are affecting things in a positive or negative way, and that creates our reality, that creates our environment. Therefore, peace to me represents people's energy affecting conscious environments. It's not just a catchy acronym. There's deeper meaning. That's why we think about it, that's why we consider ourselves a thought tribe we go a bit deeper A collection of individuals that want to think, think and think a little more.

Speaker 1:

Now let's think about this for a second America, the country that's in the business of restoring peace around the world, but yet it has not generated nor restored or brought about peace within its own borders. I'll wait if somebody disagrees with me and I can respectfully accept that we see it differently. But if you bring up the right topic, if you say Republican or Democrat, if you say history and you say black, you say white and you're going to see a disruption in the peace. But we can go separate directions and ignore that. We have some real things to talk about and call that peace. That's avoidance. That's not peace, that's separation. Maybe that's what it should promote, not masquerade it as peace. So we got to stop this promotion of world peace when we're not generating peace, we're generating something else. We're generating something else, we're manufacturing something else from a lot of manipulation and therefore we never will manifest world peace until we come together and we change the symbol, we change the analogy and we stop waiting to rest in peace upon our final breath. And that's just something to think about.

Speaker 1:

That brings me to this week's thought, taking from my book. Think About it. This is what the 59th thought had to say when you can find peace where you are, you are assured to find it wherever life takes you. Hmm, when you, you and I and whoever else is listening when you can find peace where you are right now, at work, in the car, when we can find peace where we are, we are assured to find it wherever life takes us. So many people will talk about the community for which they're in. I got to get up out of here because people are crazy and I'm going to move to this other environment where it's more peaceful.

Speaker 1:

But if you take the parts of you that are disruptive, that are angry, that are hardened to a new community, but peace is not residing within you, because you were looking at your outer community to provide you peace, you could not find it in your outer community, but you peace. You could not find it in your outer community, but you failed to look within yourself to generate inner peace. So you try to move yourself to where you see peace, you will disrupt it. Where you go, you move folks with a mentality from one location to another. Location Could be a better location. Give it a little time and that new location will look like the old location. Because it's a mentality, it is a mindset, it is an operation system of how we work on the inside. The inside is reflected upon the outside.

Speaker 1:

So when we see communities in disarray disarray inside their inner spirit, their soul, filled with trauma and experience and pain and loss and stress and fear. That is inner chaos. We can't rest in peace when our brothers and sisters have been put into someone else's project like lab rats Remove neighbor from the hood, use music to promote the hood and tell me where's the peace, where's the resident who can live peacefully without being armed and prepared for whatever, to protect and enjoy the vehicle that they worked hard for, for their kid's bike to be sitting in the front yard that they worked hard for, that their child enjoys? Therefore, everyone hardens themselves, everyone abandons peace and takes up arms, ready and prepared to do whatever, not realizing it's someone's project. Whose project is it the very institution that promotes peace around the world? I don't know. That's something to think about.

Speaker 1:

See, some of these issues in our life. You can't find the edge of the problem and by the time you get close to it, it moves, it becomes something else. It's not quite what you think you were going to find, but you find a whole lot of new stuff. Sometimes you got to just find peace with not knowing everything. You got to find peace with knowing enough. But once you know what you know, peace comes from operating from that which you know. Know where to go, know where not to go, know who to deal with, know who not to deal with, know what is good for you and know what is not good for you. Rest in peace could be a daily reality. Find your peace now. Claim your peace now. Protect your peace now. Restore your peace now.

Speaker 1:

I'd like to leave you with three questions before I conclude this podcast. Number one what are some things that bring peace into your life? I want you to spend some time with that life. I want you to spend some time with that. Number two what situations quickly disrupt your peace of mind? Think in consciousness. Body is like environment. What quickly disrupts your peace? And lastly, how do you reestablish your peace when it's disrupted. That's just something to think about. I believe that this is what I'm put here to do. You can always touch base with me at aircode 360-J-O-H-N-N-I-E. Spell that out on your keypad on your phone and it'll ring right to me.

Speaker 1:

Know that in the subject notes of the podcast, the quote that I just mentioned is always hyperlinked directly to the book. Think about it it's my first 99 quotes and each of them being the quotes. We'll have three questions that allow you to take some time to work on yourself and work with thought. But, more importantly, just want to invite you to make a habit of thinking, because our system has groomed us into habits of reacting in very predictable ways that allow them to monetize and market to us and control us in some way, and it's time to take our mind back. It's time to take our spirit back. It's time to take our peace back.

Speaker 1:

I look forward to speaking with you again. I ask that you share this podcast with any of your family or friends that you believe might benefit from something I've said, but know that there's 58 podcasts just like it, of different topics and themes that might serve you as well as serve them. Have some conversations and have some podcast studies and podcast parties. Just be careful that when you listen to the podcast, you're not driving, because I purposely play the solfegged frequency music in the background to tune your mind and tune your body and sometimes it puts us to sleep. I don't want you to sleep at the wheel because I don't want you to rest in peace. That way, I hope to bring peace into your life. Every time you hear my voice and I try to keep my voice calm and smooth as to not disrupt your peace when you give me the time to pay with attention, I highly respect you, your time and your attention. I hope to speak with you soon, until

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