The Think About It…podcast
The Think About It…podcast
057 - Get Back Up
"I find that walking aligns with life in that you only advance the distance of each step taken." - Johnnie Williams III
Episode 057 has been released on NFL Super Bowl LVII weekend with a classic message about getting back up, much like a player that has been knocked down on the field. This is the first episode of season 6 of the Think About It... podcast
If life has ever left you feeling that you've been tackled in the backfield in attempt to score in life - this episode id for YOU!
Ask Yourself This:
1) When was the last time you took a 30-minute walk?
2) Describe a life accomplishment that required a series of steps?
3) What did you learn from the process?
Visit for more information or call (315) THOUGHT to ask a question or leave a message.