The Think About It…podcast
The Think About It…podcast
047 - Keep The Faith
"Each day offers gifts, like trees bearing fruit. If you're willing to just reach for it, life has a treat for you." - Johnnie Williams III
In this episode of the Think About It,,, podcast, the focus is aimed at mental health and the work of book author Brandarius Johnson who is rapidly emerging as a social influencer. his book of 'Mental Hope', is a touching memoir that is helping to activate courageous conversations for its readers. As the month of May highlights Mental Health Awareness Month, a NAMI presentation shed some disheartening information as to the number of suicide related fatalities during 2020 amongst our younger citizens.
Keep The F.A.I.T.H. = keep the Focus Aligned In-spite The Hardship(s)
Ask Yourself:
1) What is one way that you slow yourself down to enjoy each day?
2) Which of your friends seems to always be happy?
3) What do they do differently than you and others?
Visit for more information or call (315) THOUGHT to ask a question or leave a message.