The Think About It…podcast

042 - Tell Your Story

Johnnie Williams III Season 3 Episode 42

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As a child, I followed in my parent's footsteps… As I’ve gotten older, I have begun to create my own.” - Johnnie Williams III

Who is telling your story? Is it you? What do you feed into the abyssNess of his – story?

My personal story has many chapters that include highs and lows, as well as close calls and some very amazing moments too. I have been blessed and fortunate to tell my story for a living – but sometimes that has required that I relive some emotional moments. These moments have served the purpose of helping me in connecting with others currently going through a similar (present) moment or tough time. So, I will share the pieces that offer food for thought in tangible life lessons that offer value to those paying with attention.

It was my father who told me and taught me to be bigger than my story and its challenging chapters. He would know – as a child he was left to battle Polio without the support and assurance of his own father who was left to battle tuberculosis – TB – after returning from World War II. So essentially, he shared in the footsteps of health-related struggles like his father… my grandfather. But it was his personal fortitude that determined that polio would not render him crippled – crippled physically nor emotionally.  So, he forged on at an early age to craft his own steps and his own perception of himself despite doctor, family, and the opinion of friends who all doubted his fate. But now, here he is telling his own amazing story of loving his wife of 51 years and raising three sons as he helps to guide his six grandchildren who too can follow in his footsteps until they’re able to create and craft their own.

Ask Yourself:

  1. What is one example that your parents set for you?
  2. What is something you have accomplished it makes you proud?
  3. What were your legacy be?

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